It's fairly common practice, honestly, to pop some Ibuprofen for aches and pain, whether it be a headache or a muscle spasm or an injury. Hell, I grew up being tossed a few 200mg pills if something st...
So I saw this trend on social media awhile back and I legit love it. It was listing things that made you human - and NOT limiting it to the “pretty” or “nice” things. Like you know how if you get that...
So first , let me start off with if your provider (or you) have legit reasons to think cancerous tumors are present, then absolutely, get that image!! Same goes for a trauma like a major car accid
...Maignes syndrome is essentially when the joints/tissues at the junction between the thoracic spine and lumbar spine are gunky / have inflammatory chemicals building up around them after they got o
...Ever had a pain start up that you recognized, because it’s in the exact same spot as before, but then you went to do the exercises/treatment that helped last time, and it didn’t work this time
...Overhead Squats take a lot of not only mobility, but good control of that mobility. You want to have good ankle and hip mobility so that you can simultaneously drive the knees forward and in line
...Alrighty, y’all. Today we’re gonna talk about some great prehab exercises that focus on your quads! These are beneficial for anyone who is stronger in their posterior chain than their quads to t
...This month, I’m bringing ya 5 of my favorite back strength accessory drills!
Let’s be honest, deadlifts are king for back health. I know, I know, they get a bad rap when it comes to back pain. Bu
...Following up from the last stiff hips blog! In the last one, I went over a lot of info and some good banded drills to try, so make sure to check that out if you haven’t already! In that blog, thou
**It’s the most wonderful time of the year**
I am definitely a gift giver. I always have been. So I LOVE finding that perfect gift. As we get older, this can get a little to
...Tight does not usually equal tension. Now, the exception here is when you’ve been stuck in a cast for 6 weeks or bedridden for months/years without changing position as much as needed. (Threw out