How to create more time in your day

A common thing I hear, and you probably resonate with is: "I'll get to that when I have the time" or "I wish I had the time for X" or "This would be perfect for me, and when I have more time, I'll definitely sign up"...No, you won't. And how do I know that? Because life will continue to happen, and things will continue to demand our time. Remember when COVID hit and so many people suddenly had lots of extra time and yet those things they said they'd "get around to when there was more time" still didn't happen? It's because it had more to do with mindset and management than actual time.

Now, this isn't always the case, so I address both how to actually give yourself your time back AND how to change your perspective and utilize tools that will create more time for you.

If you found this helpful, please share on social with your biggest takeaway, and tag me, @moveonthedaley :)


Transformative 180 sessions: