Protect your peace and let them misunderstand you

VERY unscripted and unedited podcast for you today! I’m currently in Idaho and didn’t really bring any of my stuff to edit a podcast of. This was completely done on voice notes, and then just uploaded. *cue nerves and old perfectionist wounds* lol. 

So first off, let this be your permission to do things imperfect. 

Second, today’s episode came about from having someone from my past (years ago) suddenly show up and try to blast hate on my Instagram page by bringing up things from my past…

We’ve all done things we’re not proud of right? Like, let’s be real. Everyone has some toxic traits, and likely even a version of them at some point in their lifetime where they are the toxic person in some way shape or form. Maybe not in the traditional sense, but I will fully admit that that version of me had shitty communication when it came to owning up to mistakes when they happened (often because I wanted to be liked and so just hoped it would go away, but it was often things that had a calendar date that would come eventually, so it would snowball and blow up. Some people allowed me to open up and finally communicate and then learn/grow/change, and others, like this person, didn’t. 

anyways, while if anyone wants to know, the full story, and all the drama (I’m certainly not going to try to hide my past), I also don’t think it’s necessarily relevant to drag up all of that in the podcast.

What is important is to talk about the lessons that I’ve learned, including the big one that is the focus for today:

Let people misunderstand you. Let them leave. Let it be.

 Protect your peace.

As always, I’m open in my DMs if you want to chat about any reflections, experiences, or really anything! I love meeting people and hearing their stories: the good, the bad, and the ugly!